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Meet Your Coach


My Story

I started out as an overweight, out-of-shape teenager who didn't have the faintest idea how to eat healthy or get in shape. The result was years of fad diets, extreme restriction, binge-eating and yo-yo dieting in an attempt to get skinnier. Sound familiar?


Somewhere along the way I fell in love with nature, travel, the mountains, and pretty much all adventure sports. I also recognized I couldn't climb mountains or bomb ski runs if I was eating 1200 calories a day. I became a nutrition coach because I don't want women to struggle down the same path. The goal is to empower you to care more about what your body can accomplish then the number on the scale. 

The Process

Food shouldn't rule our lives.


Nutrition is a tool we can use to reach our potential and fuel our adventures. I'll work with you to heal your relationship with food, utilize it appropriately, and use it to your advantage. In addition, we'll work together to help you conquer fears & become more adventurous & independent. I focus on the whole person, not just the scale or measurements. 


At the end of the day, you know your body better than anybody. I'll work with you to set appropriate goals & give you the accountability and support to achieve them. 


My Certifications

ISSA Certified Nutritionist


Bachelors of Science in Nursing

More About Me

I currently live in Southeastern PA but have previously lived all over the country. I am a passionate trail runner and lifter who loves to travel. I also love to eat! When I'm not working you can find me walking my dog, climbing mountains, hiking, skiing, and camping. 

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